Uses of the preposition ~below~
In an adjunct or after 'be': It lay a mile below the surface of the Pacific
Ocean......Below us on our left there was a big river.....a bruise just below the elbow.
Ocean......Below us on our left there was a big river.....a bruise just below the elbow.
After a noun: .....when man first came to live in caves below cliffs
Also used as an adverb: Then heard it hit the surface of the water far below
2. If sth is below a rate,amount or level it is less than that rate amount or level
In an adjunct or after a link verb: Few experts expect their share to dip below
20 percent....You cannot go below absolute zero........He, for a man, seemed just below
average height
Also used as an adverb: Keep the room temperature 68 or below
3. If someone is below you in an organization or system of assessment. they are
lower in rank
In an adjunct or after 'be' : I believe he is a genius, somewhere above Eliot but
below Shakespeare
below Shakespeare