Verb Workout
1. Sit down with a stop watch or set the timer on your microwave and see how many action verbs you can write down in two minutes. Now, use your dictionary and/or thesaurus to find at least three synonyms and three opposites (antonyms) for each one. Memorize them all.
2. Find a passage from a book or magazine story you’ve recently enjoyed and re-read it, marking (or making note of) all the verbs you can find. Analyze the passage critically, taking notice of such things as active vs. passive voice; action verbs vs. linking verbs; the specificity of the verbs (does the author use a lot of adverbs or do the verbs paint a clear enough picture all on their own?).
3. Now look at that same passage on another level: Note any images that particularly touch you or spark your imagination. Can you identify what is affecting you? If so, try duplicating the technique in your own work (at this stage, imitation is a perfectly legitimate way to start finding your own voice as a writer).
This Creative exercise is from Ements of Creative Writing I: Grammar And Mechanics
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