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Review of The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

 When I picked up The Artist’s Way a year ago, I very much resembled the skeptics Julia Cameron describes in her opening chapter. And like them, I found that despite my cynicism, her technique worked, helping me unpack the life experiences that led to that particular moment of writer’s block and build new habits to overcome it. 

A recovering alcoholic, Cameron provides a 12-step program to help readers through a process of “creative recovery.” Readers study one chapter a week and then respond to questions such as “Time Travel: List three old enemies of your creative self-worth. . . . Your historic monsters are the building blocks of your core negative beliefs.” In addition, the 12-week course supplies readers with daily and weekly assignments — morning pages, artist dates, and exercises — that help them to develop creative habits.
This book is an absolute must for beginners.
(You can find the book  here)


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