How to journal ?
- The Easy Way - You don't have to be a great writer, perfect speller, or creative thinker to keep a personal journal. Journal writing means that you regularly write down your thoughts and experiences.
- The Hard Way - A journal is a continued series of writings made by a person in response to their life experiences and events. Diaries contain a description of daily events. A journal may include those descriptions, but it also contains reflections on what took place and expresses emotions and understandings about them. It doesn't matter what you call your writing, either a diary or journal, as long as you see the distinction between these two ways of writing.
Ever wondered why, when you read your journal, you are left with a question mark? Why you don't "feel" anything although you probably wrote down every single emotion you had felt ?
- Here's the reason:
- We journal only so that we can preserve our memories forever and so that we can experience the same thing over and over again. Its not only writing YOUR thoughts and YOUR feelings, but capturing the experience itself. It must contain what led to the situation, what happened during it, what was happening elsewhere or what others were doing, the climate, the weather, in fact everything that will allow you to re-live that part of your life, and then, only then you can finally look back and describe your thoughts. Journaling means capturing life and just wriggling down some words about thoughts and feelings wont make that happen, in fact if you write in such a way , after a few years when you read your journal you will be left with a big question mark. Write, in whatever way it requires, to transfer yourself completely, fully to a certain day of your life. This is the key to true journaling and this is the the key to any great piece of writing.
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